Providing thorough, professional expertise for all your residential or commercial pest control needs!
At Rock and Roll Pest Control, protecting your home or business from pests is our primary goal. We use proven techniques and quality products to form a protective barrier around your home. By maintaining this barrier on a regularly scheduled pest control services plan, your chances of having an interior pest problem are very low.
When it comes to trusting a pest control services company with your home or business, Rock and Roll Pest Control is top notch. We will provide quality exterminator service at a fair price. Our mission is to provide you with the best service possible at a fair price!
In most cases, we will get your pest control issues under control on the first treatment. However, some situations require additional treatment. We will always be available to take care of your pest problems until they are under control. Once this is achieved, your regularly scheduled pest control services will generally keep you pest free. Occasionally, if pests find their way in, just call us and we'll come take care of it for you. We guarantee it! When you need an exterminator, call us for great pest control service at a fair price!
Rock and Roll Pest Control LLC provides pest control services/exterminator services in Broward County and Palm Beach County Florida.
Our mission is to provide customers with friendly and top-level service at a fair price! When you contact us, we will respond as quickly as possible to provide the best service possible. We strive to be the best by using proven techniques with the highest quality products. The safety of our customers and their pets is always considered and we advise our customers about the products we are using to treat their property.
Our pest control services cover most common pests. For example, ants, roaches, spiders, centipedes, millipedes, silver fish/fire brats, grain beetles and weevils, rats, mice and others. We also provide exterior mosquito control services. Additionally, we provide monthly, bi-monthly (every 2 months), and quarterly pest control services plans. Our mosquito service is a monthly service only.
A Mosquito bites humans and animals to produce eggs...Rock and Roll Pest Control services.
We strive to be in constant communication with our customers until the job is done. For estimates or questions on our pest control services/exterminator services, please contact us at your convenience. We look forward to meeting you soon!
Monday - Friday: 8AM–6PM
Saturday: 8-12PM
Sunday: Closed
Business Phone: 954-498-0830
If no answer, I may be driving or with a customer. Please leave a message or text me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
We serve Broward and Palm Beach Counties in South Florida!
Copyright © 2019 Rock and Roll Pest Control LLC - All Rights Reserved.